Academic Projects
Mar 2020 – May 2020
This project was a web application that provides interview preparation for data science-related job seekers by using machine learning algorithms to generate mock interview questions that are tailored to a specific job posting. It was selected as one of the best projects and received positive feedback during the presentation to a panel of venture capitalists. It utilized Flask for the back-end, Jinja for the front-end, as well as Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deployment.
Individual Healthcare Cost Prediction
Jan 2020
This project predicted individual healthcare cost using data from U.S. Health Insurance Marketplace, U.S. Census, and Zillow Rental Values. It utilized Python and PySpark for scripting.
Soccer Player Transfer Value Prediction
Nov 2019 – Dec 2019
This project predicted the value of a soccer player in the transfer market from their ratings and characteristics with a Random Forest model, using data from the FIFA 19 game.
U.S. Health Insurance Marketplace Visualization using Census and Rent Cost
Nov 2019 – Dec 2019
This project processed and visualized various relationships between the U.S. Health Insurance Marketplace, U.S. Census, and Zillow Rental Values. It utilized Python and PySpark for scripting and Plotly for visualization.
NBA Player of the Week & Salary Prediction
Oct 2019
This project used various data sources related to NBA players to predict how likely a player is to receive the Player of the Week award using logistic regression, as well as to predict his salary using linear regression, for a given NBA season.
NBA Player of the Week & Salary Visualization
Sep 2019 – Oct 2019
This project visualized various player statistics related to NBA players, including Player of the Week award, Most Valuable Player award, and salary, using multiple data sources. It utilized Python for scripting and ggplot for visualization.
SFO Air Traffic Passengers Visualization
Mar 2018 – May 2018
This project visualized various passenger statistics of San Francisco International Airport (SFO), using the dataset published by the SF Airport Commission through DataSF. It utilized R for scripting and ggplot for visualization.
USF MEDA Practicum
Jan 2018 – May 2018
This project, in collaboration with the Mission Economic Development Agency, analyzed and visualized various distance and school placement metrics of elementary school students who are clients of MEDA, using publicly available school quality and demographic information combined with proprietary information.
Flight Buddy
Sep 2017 – Dec 2017
This project was a concept for a mobile application that provides a platform for air travelers to share their flight experiences.
SFO Air Traffic Landings Statistics
Apr 2017 – May 2017
This project visualized various landing statistics of San Francisco International Airport (SFO), using the dataset published by the SF Airport Commission through DataSF. It utilized JavaScript for scripting and D3.js for Visualization.